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Viet Huong Fongemie





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Viet Huong Fongemie(圖1)-速報App

Biography of Viet Huong comedy

Where is Viet Huong?

Viet Huong year?

What is Viet Huong's real name?

Family story of Viet Huong

Career of Viet Huong

Viet Huong Fongemie(圖2)-速報App

The role was taken by Viet Huong

Where is Viet Huong?

Viet Huong was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, now living in California.

At a young age when her parents broke up, Viet Huong experienced the saddest days of her life due to the lack of full love of a family. In order to get money to support his mother, Viet Huong little girl has to go through a lot of work. Because it is too small, Viet Huong does not have any career or knowledge. But perhaps she has a little bit of artistic talent in the family so Viet Huong has risked taking the show and singing in restaurants, eateries. Not only to sing, but also to work as hard work to make money.

Viet Huong year? (How old)

Viet Huong was born on October 15, 1976, and is now 40 years old.

Viet Huong Fongemie(圖3)-速報App

What is Viet Huong's real name?

Viet Huong is Nguyen Viet Huong, Viet Huong is one of the actors with a variety of acting style, so during her artistic career she was named by her colleagues and fans as monster Because it can be transformed immeasurably for the role is too excellent, and another name is Ms. Banh.

Family story of Viet Huong

Viet Huong when first married at age 23. At that time, she just focused on making money without paying attention to her own small family. And after breaking up, 10 years ago she was married for the second time.

Viet Huong's current husband is an overseas musician Huai Phuong. He had performed on the stage of a Thuy Nga program and the two met there. So far, both of them have been living happily with her daughter up to 6 years old. Composer Hoai Phuong was born into a family with a tradition of art. He began studying music at the age of six and was on his internship at the clarinet school at the Music School. Hanoi Institute in 1989.

While still a student, Huai Phuong, along with Bang Kieu and his friends formed the Golden Keys band and was constantly invited to perform at major shows. In this golden key, Hoai Phuong is the singer and saxophonist. After graduation, Huai Phuong decided to break up with the group and go to study in America to develop more talents. With only a short time living and studying in the United States, Hoai Phuong has been involved in many outstanding musical activities and has been touring many countries, even traveling to Europe.

Viet Huong Fongemie(圖4)-速報App

Career of Viet Huong - Biography of Viet Huong

The way to the art of Viet Huong:

Grandfather of Viet Huong is a circus magician named Huynh The Son. Her father is a circus artist Lam Bang. Growing up in a family with a tradition of artistry, the artistry has permeated from a very young age. So that day, Viet Huong was bolder than his peers. Viet Huong has been married to Nguyen Hoai Phuong and has been living in the United States since 2007. In the United States, Viet Huong has starred in Thuy Nga.

Viet Huong Fongemie(圖5)-速報App